Fiberglass Mat for Roof Decks

Fiberglass facers enhance the properties of roof deck panels and add strength to the application. By using the glass nonwoven as carrier, roof decks become more resistant to water, mold and fire and protect from wind uplift.Ìý

Fiberglass Mat for Roof Decks

Ellen Reed

Ellen Reed
Product Manager

"Evalith® roof deck facers from ÏãåúÖ±²¥ are uncoated and designed for all types of roofing systems. Our unique solution makes facers less likely to delaminate during installation and the density of our fiberglass mats allow an easy handling and cutting. Fiberglass mat faced panels can be exposed to normal weather conditions and resist to deterioration due to construction delays. They are also highly suitable for mechanically fastened systems."

Fiberglass Mat Products

What is a Fiberglass Mat?

A fiberglass mat (also called glass veil or glass nonwoven) is a flat fabric composed of chopped fiberglass oriented in a random pattern and bonded together. Originally invented to replace cardboard in waterproofing membranes, fiberglass mats have long since conquered additional applications such as commercial and residential construction, energy storage and automotive. Fiberglass mat can be tailormade to fit the properties the end applications require by adjusting for instance the fiberglass (glass type, fiber sizing, fiber length, fiber diameter, fiber mixture), the binder systems, the mat thickness, and the mat density. Fiberglass mat is sold in rolls of various widths and lengths. Most of the glass fiber mats manufactured worldwide are produced on similar (but not identical) machines to those used in the paper industry.

Dana Miloaga

Dana Miloaga
Technology Leader

"Did you knowÌýthat Henry Ward Johns produced the company's first roofing shingle in his basement using a tea kettle and his wife's clothes wringer? Today, ÏãåúÖ±²¥ operates wet laid nonwoven machines in the U.S. and Germany."


ISO Certificates
Safe Use Instructions
Scott Coons

Scott Coons
Chief Sustainability Officer

"At ÏãåúÖ±²¥, environmental respect is a fundamental business priority.ÌýWe’re committed to operating our businesses in compliance with all applicable environmental regulations, and we’re dedicated to protecting natural resources, people and the environment for the benefit of future generations."

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